VEGANDESIGN.ORG LOGO! Please fill out the application below : Authorized Applicant's Name * First Name Last Name Title of Applicant, if applicable. Date of Birth * MM DD YYYY Mailing Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Website http:// E-mail * Mobile * Kindly provide us with your mobile phone number in order to receive changes to upcoming informational videos, webinars etc. (###) ### #### 1. Please tell us why you are seeking the logo. Why now? * 2. How did you hear about us? What keywords did you use to find us? If you came from an organization or referral please let us know which one. * 3. What do you hope to gain by displaying the logo? * 4. What is the most painful part of your day? 5. What keeps you up at night? 7. Are you an individual, employee or business owner? * 8. If you are a business owner, how many employees do you currently have? Sole proprietor 1-10 employees 11-20 employees 21-50 employees 51-99 employees 100 + 500+ 1000+ 9. Do you or the company you are employed by currently offer products not originating from animals and end product/ingredients not tested on animals? * Yes No 10. If yes, do you or the company ALSO offer animal based products to customers? Yes No 11. If no, are you or the company considering offering animal based alternatives to customers? Yes No 12. What is the legal name of the company? * 13. Please check your type of business. * Distributor Supplier Importer Manufacturer Wholesaler Online Retail Shop Online Affiliate Shop Brick & Mortar Retail Shop Consulting Business Service Business Other business not listed above 14. If consulting, service or other business, please describe. 15. Please describe and list ALL of the products and/or services the company offers. (Example: Wallcoverings, antique furniture, mattresses, cosmetics, perfume, interior design, architect, real estate agent etc.) Be specific. If antique furniture, describe type of furniture – tables, chairs, mirrors etc.) 16. If applicable, please list retail locations company products are sold. Please list city, state and country for each. (Example: Miami, Florida, United States) City, State, Country 17. Is the company a parent company or subsidiary of another company? If yes, please provide the name, address and contact information. * Company Name, Contact Person, Address, Email, Phone 18. Do you or the company engage on Social Media? * Yes No If no, why not? If yes, which platforms do you engage with the most? 19. Please list your social media handles: 20. What are your goals for displaying the badge? * 21. If you have taken specific actions in your company this past year regarding compassionate responsibility, please describe. Example: “We have gone completely paperless" OR “We are no longer using wool in our manufacturing.” 22. If you have plans to take action in your company for the upcoming year regarding compassionate responsibility, please describe. Example: “We are only working with companies that are 100% cruelty free.” 23. Please enter a brief paragraph about you and/or your business. * * This applicant attests the following: (1) That he or she is authorized and has full authority to complete and execute the application and (2) The Council Membership & Trademarked Badge will only be used in connection with the individual or company that has purchased membership. Congratulations and welcome…