Eco-Friendly Outdoor Lighting: Do's and Don'ts
Outdoor lighting can be a fun way to elevate your aesthetic and above all, provide security. However, did you know that it can also be a source of pollution (1) and pose a serious threat to wildlife? Outdoor lighting produces 15 million tons of CO2 each year and disrupts the natural light cycle wildlife needs to thrive. If you're not careful, you may unknowingly purchase lights that do more harm than good. By being a mindful shopper, you will help your local wildlife and the environment. So, before you choose the next addition to your outdoors, make sure you know these 3 major dos and don'ts for finding eco-friendly outdoor lighting.
Photo by Carl Hunley Jr on Unsplash
1. DO use amber LEDs
- Amber lighting is light that is either at or below 2200 Kelvin (2). Anything exceeding that number indicates blue lighting. Countless studies have shown a decrease in disruptions of fish, birds, mammals, and plants in places where amber lighting is used.
- Amber LEDs contain long wavelengths that give you enough lighting to be able to see without disturbing nocturnal animals. Since animals can’t notice the long wavelengths that amber lighting puts off, the light doesn't disrupt their natural patterns.
- The warm glow and cozy ambiance of the color amber will give your outdoor space a pleasant and comforting mood. In other words, you will be spending your evenings outdoors in a much more relaxed way.
- Unlike white lights, amber lighting has a lower contribution to pollution because blue light scatters more in the atmosphere.
- Because of amber’s softness in lighting, it is less harsh on your eyes. As a result, it prevents eye straining and reduces glares.
- Not to mention, amber lighting is an extra plus if you have a garden because it benefits flora and fauna!
Photo by The Creativv on Unsplash
DON'T use white fluorescent lights
- White, fluorescent lighting emits excessive brightness and shines when and where it is not needed. That is to say, when you ditch the fluorescents, you avoid wasteful economic and environmental consequences.
- Drastic changes occur in nocturnal animals' environments as a result of the bright white lights turning their nights into days. Imagine someone turned your days into nights, you would be completely thrown off and your routine would be ruined. Well, routine is just as important for animals. Altering wildlife's circadian rhythms (3) can cause serious consequences such as disruption of behavior, injury, and in some instances death.
- Similarly, excessive bright white lighting has negative impacts on human health as well. Studies have shown a correlation between white lights at night and an increase in brain fog, depression, cancer, fatigue, and more (4).
Photo by Shubham Kumar on Unsplash
2.DO use fully shielded/dark sky-friendly lights
- Dark sky fixtures are fully shielded. In other words, they prevent light from traveling up into the sky and contribute to light pollution.
- It is a much safer way to reduce the scope and distance that light pollution travels.
- They are designed to control where the light goes and as a result, the light shines only in necessary places. This will guarantee that the light won't illuminate all over the place, disturbing wildlife’s circadian rhythm.
- Dark sky-lights also go hand-in-hand with amber light. Together, they minimize blue light emissions. For example, you may see a lot of dark sky street lights shining a warm amber color rather than white.
- If you can, try to avoid dark sky-lights with glass or materials below the lightbulb. This will cause the light to get dirty, attracting spider webs, and causing light to reflect.
DON'T use upward-facing light fixtures with no shielding
- Fixtures with no shielding project light in more wrong directions than right. As a result, nocturnal activities are disrupted.
- Lighting that emits too much light or shines when and where it is not needed is wasteful and has economic and environmental consequences.
- In short, it wastes energy and takes more money from your pocket.
- Brighter does not mean safer. Too much light makes it harder to see and makes you less safe. It creates harsh shadows that can give criminals more places to hide.
Photo by David Pennington on Unsplash
3. DO use new innovative timers and motion sensors
- Purchasing a fixture with a timer is energy efficient. You’re human, which means you’re probably going to have days where you forget to turn off your outdoor lights. With a timer, you don’t have to worry about forgetting because it will remember for you!
- Similarly, motion sensors essentially lift the responsibility off of your back by doing the job for you.
- Motion sensors don’t run for long periods. In short, you will have a lower energy bill and a cleaner conscience knowing that you’re not wasting energy.
DON'T use manually lit light fixtures
- In contrast to motion sensors and timers, regular lights will require you to manually turn them off. I'm assuming your solution to energy conservation won't be to run back and forth turning lights on and off. Therefore, your only other option (besides motion sensors and timers) would be to just leave your outdoor lights running for extremely long periods. As a result, large amounts of energy will go to waste and unnecessary amounts of light will affect wildlife.
The damaging effect outdoor lighting has on wildlife
- Have you ever heard the phrase "like a deer in the headlights?" Would you be surprised to know that an actual deer in the headlights experiences immediate blindness, causing them to freeze? You may be even more surprised to know that this happens to other animals too such as foxes, owls, raccoons, and bats. This light-hearted phrase carries a lot of somberness behind it. Animals are frightened with damaged eyesight, taking them roughly 10-40 minutes before they can see again. So, in that large period of time they travel long distances without being able to see. As a result, they fall victim to cars and devastatingly become roadkill.
- In addition, 450 different species of birds solely depend on the moon and the stars for their seasonal schedules. It shows them when to migrate and guides them on the correct paths. However, outdoor lighting throws off this natural cycle. Birds are not able to decipher between the natural light they need and the artificial light that harms them. Consequently, the timing of migration and other seasonal behaviors are thrown off. They become disoriented when flying by the bright lights and then get lost. They circle endlessly, exhausting themselves, often fatally colliding with windows and buildings.
- Similar to birds, sea turtles rely on the natural light of the moon. In their case, they spend their lives in the oceans but go to the beach at night to hatch. They use the bright horizon over the ocean to find their way back home. Unfortunately, the artificial lighting at night confuses them, leading them away from the ocean and straight to their demise.
The importance in keeping wildlife safe
The significance of the 3 dos and don'ts for finding eco-friendly outdoor lighting is discovering items that enhance your living space without harming others in the process. For billions of years, it's essentially been programmed into animal DNA to depend on the earth's predictable rhythms of day and night. Yet, we rarely stop to think that some of the normal things we do every day have effects on the lives around us. Our job is to help animals, not hurt them. In other words, it is our responsibility to make changes in every way we can to prevent tragedies among wildlife.
How to keep wildlife safe by being eco-conscious
So, now you know the 3 major dos and don’ts for finding eco-friendly outdoor lighting. But, don't forget that positive environmental change starts with responsibility and accountability. In other words, be responsible by holding yourself accountable for the amount of energy you use. You can start conserving energy by only using artificial light when it is useful with a clear purpose. Next, make sure your outdoor lighting is properly installed so that it is only directed in the places where it is needed. And lastly, maintain a reasonable brightness level.
In conclusion…
The options for finding the right eco-friendly outdoor lighting are endless. However, with all of the different options out on the market, shopping for new outdoor lighting ideas while being a mindful shopper can be tough and confusing. To sum up your shopping, ask yourself these 6 questions.
Is the fixture a necessity in that area?
Does the fixture have proper shielding?
When installed, will the light be directed downwards and not visible through the sides of the fixture?
Can the fixture be put on a timer or motion sensor so it is not on all the time?
Is the bulb too bright?
Is the lighting color a warm tone like amber or red?
If your answers were yes to all of these questions, congratulations! You're good to go on your new addition to your outdoors. On the other hand, if all or just some of the answers were no, that doesn't mean you're out of luck. Better alternatives are waiting for you! So don't worry, your future of eco-friendly outdoor lighting is looking bright.
Sofia Kucera | Contact:
I’m an animal lover and cruelty-free consumer. I dedicate my life to being a voice for the innocent that have no voice. If I’m not volunteering at animal shelters or reading my favorite books, I’m writing for cruelty-free and vegan brands!
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