11 Simple Ways to Become More Environmentally Friendly As A Student
No matter how old someone is or how many obligations they have, there are always things they can do in their spare time to help the environment. Little everyday actions can turn into long-term habits which can accompany the person through their entire life. This is exactly why it is so important for students to start setting such habits early on.
Living in a way that is more environmentally friendly does not have to be too difficult. There are a lot of simple ways to create less waste for the planet, and none of these have to impact your everyday life. In order to help you get started, here are some easy ways to help every student become more environmentally friendly.
1.) Get A Reusable Water Bottle
Something that can not only make your everyday life easier but also reduce your waste is getting yourself a reusable water bottle. There is so much waste being produced from plastic water bottles that is so unnecessary. In addition to that, buying plastic water bottles everywhere you go is going to add up, and the cost is high.
Getting a reusable water bottle is the best thing you can do to save energy and materials. Not only will you be able to carry it with you and refill it at school, but you can also take it with you everywhere. Reusable water bottles come in all different shapes, sizes, and colors, and they can make great gifts for friends and family. This way, you can motivate your loved ones to also start using a reusable water bottle and make an impact on many others.
The more people in your school see you use a pretty reusable bottle, the more will want one. The fact that they are pretty and easily customizable will make them wanted by everyone. All you have to do is set a good example and explain why you are using it. Sooner or later, more students will start using the more sustainable option too.
2.) Donate Your Old Clothes
Another thing that can help you reduce your carbon footprint is by donating your clothes. Younger people, especially children and teenagers, tend to grow out of their clothes very quickly, and this can lead to a lot of clothing waste. If you have younger children in the family, you can upcycle the clothes you don’t fit into by gifting them to them.
Donating your old clothes to other people that need them is also a great idea. Not only is it environmentally friendly, but you will also be able to help others in need. If you decide to give your clothes to a thrift shop or community center, they might also give you a discount code for future purchases. This can work in your favor as well, especially if you need to renew your wardrobe.
One of many green campus ideas would be to start a donation program, where other students will be able to donate old clothes. There are bound to be students that need free clothes and plenty that will be able to donate. You can even simply collect all the donated clothing items and give them to a local shelter or thrift shop.
3.) Buy A Bamboo Toothbrush
One of the most common things that people don’t think twice about throwing out is toothbrushes. While these handy tools need frequent replacing, it is important that you think of the impact they can have on the environment in the long run. Did you know plastic toothbrushes can take over 400 years to decompose?
This means that they remain in the various landfills around the world for an indefinite amount of time, releasing harmful chemicals into the air. Instead of causing so much harm to the environment every 3-4 months, you can get yourself and your family biodegradable, bamboo toothbrushes.
Not only are they available in every grocery store, but they are also made in various colors for everyone’s preferences. They also make great gifts for your friends, and there are online subscription options that will deliver them straight to your door every few months. Most importantly, our planet will thank you for choosing them!
4.) Support Your Local Farmers
With so many grocery stores offering so many different options for food, not many sit to think about the environmental cost of their eating habits. This goes hand in hand with the impact of the meat and dairy industry on the planet. When you buy groceries that were not locally produced, you are paying for all the expenses needed for that product to get on your plate.
In other words, non-local products require resources to reach your local supermarket. In order to stay fresh, they need to be refrigerated and transported quickly via plane or truck in so they get there on time. The pollution caused by airplanes and other vehicles doing long routes for exotic and other food products is a big issue for the environment.
Choosing to buy local groceries cuts all those emissions down and helps support people in your community who put a lot of work into their crops. So, next time you go on a grocery haul with your parents, remind them of the importance of buying groceries from local sources. In most cases, the locally produced items will also be organic and a lot healthier for you.
5.) Shop at a Local Thrift Store
Along with donating your older clothes, it is a good idea to start going thrift shopping more frequently. There are a lot of people that think shopping second hand is dirty or a waste of time because they can’t find what they want. In reality, all of the clothes sold in thrift stores have been cleaned in advance. Thrifting has gained so much popularity in the past few years because more and more people donate and sell their clothes more frequently.
You will definitely be able to find a lot of nice pieces, even designer brands, depending on the thrift store you choose to go to. Thankfully there are many places to choose from all over the world, and you can easily enhance your closet without breaking the bank. This form of affordable fashion helps combat the issue fast fashion is causing to the environment and many underpaid people and children around the world.
Buying that designer pair of shoes or other items can be tempting. If you feel like making a more responsible choice, you can take a look and see if something similar is available at any thrift store. This is one of many great ways to be sustainable in college and can help you save a lot of money.
6.) Buy Products from Eco-Friendly Materials
A great way to make your purchases more environmentally friendly is through buying products made from recyclable and eco-friendly materials. Spending your money on products that are good for the environment helps these companies grow and creates a demand for their products. The great thing is that almost everything you buy can be found in a recyclable, cruelty free and environmentally friendly form.
Whether you need a bag, new shoes, or anything else you can think of, there is bound to be an eco-friendly version of them online. In most cases, they will retail for the same price as the original ones. As the need and demand for such products increase, they will definitely continue becoming more and more mainstream and affordable. Spending your money on such options is a wise and sustainable decision.
7.) Recycle Whenever Possible
Whether you are at home or outside, there is always a way to recycle. Throwing everything in a simple trash can just add to the already existing landfill problem, which heavily pollutes the environment. No matter where you live, there is bound to be a recycling can near your home. You can easily set up a schedule to collect all of the recyclable materials in your home and take it out once a week.
The reality is that almost everything we buy comes in plastic packaging. From unnecessarily plastic-wrapped fruits and vegetables at the grocery store to plastic water bottles, all of these contribute to the existing issue. Setting a recycling routine can start from getting a recycling bin, so you can always have a place to put things you will recycle. This way, all your family members will remember to put something away for recycling.
The same can apply to your classroom, and there are many ways to help the environment at school. If every student puts in a dollar, you can buy a good quality recycling can for the classroom. Then, everyone can take turns emptying it a few times every week. Even if a fellow student doesn’t have a way to recycle at home, they can recycle at school. This helps create a positive impact and motivate other students and their families to start recycling more.
8.) Walk Instead of Taking the Bus
If you live close to your school, it might be a good idea for you to start walking there instead of taking the bus. While it might be more convenient, the fuel burnt by the bus significantly contributes to the environmental issues we are facing today. The different means of transportation account for 28% of the greenhouse emissions that are harming our planet, and walking can help make a difference.
Instead of riding the bus, you can ride your bicycle there. Not only is the exercise going to be a good habit to form, but it will also help you feel more awake every morning. You can also encourage your friends to bike to school with you so you are not alone and you all do something positive together.
In certain cities, there are also many bicycle rental programs you can participate in, so you can have access to a bike whenever necessary. You can even possibly ask your school if they would be interested in participating in such a program. This way, they can help provide their students with an affordable and eco-friendly way of getting to school every day.
9.) Reduce Your Water Waste
Long, hot showers can be very relaxing after a long and difficult day. While this might be true, the water being used by the average American on a daily basis exceeds 575 liters of water. The average European uses about 250 liters of water on a daily basis and a lot of this water goes to waste.
There are quite a few things you can do in order to reduce the amount of water you waste on a daily basis. The simplest thing you can do is to turn off the water while you brush your teeth, your hands, or while you scrub your face. Along with that, you can take quick showers and turn off the water while you wash your hair. This way, you will reduce your water waste, along with your family’s total water bill.
10.) Save Energy at Home
There are quite a few things you and your family can collectively do in order to save more energy and help the environment. By setting a good example, you can help everyone adjust to turning off the light more frequently and learning some new habits.
A great idea for you to involve everyone is to stick post-it notes over the house in places that people use a lot of electricity. You can stick some on the light switches, the coffee machine, the water boiler, and other similar places and items. This way, everyone will be reminded to turn off the light and various electronic devices when they exit a room.
Another thing you can do is replace the light bulbs you use with LED ones in your dorm, at home, and even at your school. Replacing those that burn out with LED ones might be a little more expensive, but these last a lot longer. Not only are they more sustainable from a financial perspective, but they also are friendlier for the environment. This way, you can do all your college paper writing without worrying about the energy you are using.
11.) Use Less Paper Whenever Possible
Did you know that approximately 75% of the waste Americans produce could have been recycled? Recycling is something you can easily start incorporating into your daily life and help cut down on your paper waste slowly but surely. As a student, it is certain that you will receive a lot of assignments and emails that you can have the option to print.
The best thing you can do in this situation is to fill-out everything online and only print things when absolutely necessary. You can also encourage your teachers to start sending assignments online whenever possible so they can also reduce the amount of paper they use.
Another great benefit of this is that it will be a lot easier for you to correct any grammar and spelling errors while you write. There are plenty of proofreading tools to choose from, and all of these can help you make your papers and emails look professional and mistake-free.
Creating The Right Habits for the Future
Caring for the environment can be done in a lot of different ways. From changing your dietary habits to choosing cruelty free brands to becoming more informed about recycling, all actions matter. No matter how big or small the changes you make, they will all contribute to a healthier future for everyone. This is exactly why it is important to do all we can to educate others on why we should protect our precious planet.
Starting to become more eco-friendly at a young age is crucial. Teaching your family and friends about it is just as important. The more people learn about protecting the environment, the easier it will be for new, healthier habits to form. This will help create a much more sustainable future for the generations to come.
What do you like to do in order to help the environment whenever possible?
About the author: Kristin Savage nourishes, sparks, and empowers using the magic of a word. Along with pursuing her degree in Creative Writing, Kristin was gaining experience in the publishing industry, with expertise in marketing strategy for publishers and authors. Now she had found herself as a freelance writer. You can find her on Facebook.
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